Footsteps from the Past IV - The Wythe house, the Palace Green, behind Bruton Parish.
George Wythe ranks among colonial America’s finest lawyers, legal scholars, and teachers. Wythe was Virginia’s first signer of the Declaration of Independence.[1] The legendarily haunted George Wythe house was built in 1753. Interestingly, the house was headquarters to General Washington before the Battle of Yorktown. In 1806, when Wythe was 79 years old, he was allegedly poisoned by his grandnephew, George Sweeny, who was the primary beneficiary in Wythe’s will. Legend states that the plot was discovered by one of Wythe’s apparently loyal slaves, Lydia, who witnessed the act. However, according to colonial lore, Wythe still died a painful, slow death—but he apparently lived long enough to remove his grandnephew from his will. Some ghost tour guides and visitors have reported that the house is haunted and that Wythe returns every year on June 8th, the day of his death.
12x16 Fine arts print on canvas with 2 inch white border. Giclee prints are individually printed; purchase requests may take 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.
Footsteps from the Past prints and merchandise are available for purchase and viewing at Suzanne's studio by appointment. Suzanne's artwork will be on display at Williamsburg 2nd Sunday on June 9th. Booth location will be available two weeks prior to the festival.
© 2018 Suzanne E. Denion. All rights reserved.